Friday 18 October 2013

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Lose weight how?

Lose weight how? Of course with Customized fat loss torrent by Kyle Leon
Consistency softer and has less flavor than the traditional mass. Why slims?
Secret of The miracle noodles and the low calorie intake is the fiber called which comes from the Asian kanji plant. "

This substance, when in contact with water, it expands and creates volume in the stomach," says nutritionist. "
Thus, promotes satiety." According to the expert, "there is no study evaluating the effectiveness of the slimming noodle."
However, research from Rush University (USA) confirms the action of on weight reduction.
Additional benefits the effects of kanji were the subject of several studies - including the University of Toronto (Canada) and the Medical Center Orebro (Sweden).
 Testified that it helps control diabetes, cholesterol and pressure Attention Points As the pasta is viscous, there are reports of problems to swallow it.

People with problems in the esophagus should avoid it, not to be choking. In addition, if consumed in excess, can alter insulin levels, forming gases cause nausea and diarrhea.
See where to shop and how to prepare
Where to find?

Being new in Brazil, can only be found in oriental stores the neighborhood of Liberate, São Paulo, has many. One is Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Diet miracle noodles

Diet miracle noodles
The miracle noodles turned fever in the United States with Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon
 This mass contains no carbohydrate fiber that meets the stomach and thus takes time hunger
Speak the truth: stop eating pasta is one of the most difficult tasks when doing a diet.

Well now there is a suitable substitute. And the best: 200 grams of food have only 10 calories
 This is the "miracle noodles" as it is being called this kind of Japanese noodles made ​​on the basis of the Asian kanji plant.
Worldwide success came when the British newspaper "Daily Mail" attributed the sudden weight loss of Chef Nigel Lawson on the plate.

Despite not say how many pounds lost, the photos show the change in her body.
 Since then, the news ran the world and made ​​the food disappear from supermarket shelves in the United States. Next, understand everything about these powerful noodles and see where to find it here in Brazil.
Learn all about the food
What is it?
Known by many names - the Japanese noodle consists of 97% water and 3% fiber.
Has no gluten or carbohydrate (substance that encourages weight gain).

To get an idea of how to help dry, suffice to say that 200 grams of noodles contain just 10 calories - while the same serving of spaghetti has 700 calories with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon- Fruits, roots and seeds

Fruits, roots and seeds
Flakes and bran of oats, corn and wheat are the foods that have a higher content of soluble fiber with Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon
Several studies have confirmed their participation effective in reducing triglycerides and cholesterol - especially LDL, known as "bad cholesterol."

But beware if you do not usually include a lot of vegetables in your meals, enriching them progressively, with gradual increases of these foods for about one month, until you get some adaptation of their digestive system, thereby avoiding the feeling of bloating, flatulence and occurrence cramps and diarrhea.
 If any of these discomforts occur, reduce the consumption of fiber for some time, and then return gradually to increase their number. Note well, the degree of tolerance to each plant varies greatly from person to person.

Do not forget to also increase fluid intake, one and a half to two liters per day to facilitate the removal of the fibers, as soon as they have fulfilled their metabolic role with Customized fat loss torrent by Kyle Leon
Get used to drink six to eight glasses of fluid per day, preferably between meals, and soon realize the benefits of this habit for your digestion, to the appearance of your skin and into your disposal.

However, do not rush, just as in relation to fibers, gradually seek to reach their optimal level of adaptation, adding, for example, every week a glass of water the most, the daily amount ingested normally with Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon

Friday 28 June 2013

Global Health News General health review- hypercholesterolemia

Congenital, when we talk about the so-called familial hypercholesterolemia - or obtained due to poor lifestyle," and lists the doctor states: "Genetic disease requires medical intervention. In other words, if you know someone suffering from this disease in your family, it is necessary to see a doctor and have examined blood lipid levels and prescribe treatment. In this case, the treatment of life, through the so-called stations, which are currently the only drugs that have a genetically determined, elevated cholesterol advice.see more healthful link Global Health News

Unfortunately, have adverse effects on skeletal and cardiac muscle as well, so that the patient usually needs more drugs and be under the supervision of physicians. It is impossible to interfere with the treatment alone, or diet, to which it belongs. He would unnecessarily endanger the life - especially if he no longer taking drugs, among other things, increase the risk of vascular disease and premature death. What can a patient himself, prevention is following the general recommendation relating to a healthy lifestyle. " Civilization nuisance The second cause of high cholesterol in the blood is just bad lifestyle. Lack of exercise, stress, high-fat diet, irregular eating.

With the correction, one can start right from lifestyle changes. In any case, if we're talking about a high level, then a high total cholesterol level, not the individual fractions of HDL or LDL. Above all, the need to bring to life movement

Global Health News General health review-All about cholesterol

"When this occurs the aforementioned load of the system, increasing the risk of inflammation and then they walked hand in hand increased risk of cancer," the doctor points out the shocking information that the general public has penetrated only a small extent. The book - by the way, based on thirty years of clinical trials - is published in English only, with us you can not get it at all, and perhaps mistakenly, therefore all are subject to the impression that cholesterol is just evil. Not.see more information about health
Global Health News

Not always! And when did you? What is good cholesterol? Interestingly, the recommended cholesterol levels vary from state to state - simply considering the prevailing lifestyle, eating habits of the country. A differ also with regard to political systems.

While for socialism in the recommended cholesterol levels from 3.4 to 6.4 mom l, is now the recommended upper limit of 5.4 mom / l Good to know then is that the levels in the range of 5,2-7 mom / l are influenced by diet and movement, higher levels must be submitted exclusively to the doctor again. When it is really bad... They say that enough is enough, or that are harmful extremes. And this is true of cholesterol. Body Matters lack thereof, however, annoyed the body and its vital surplus (which show above-mentioned blood tests). "When we talk about high cholesterol in the blood, the cause may be twofold –

Global Health News General health review-treatment of high cholesterol

Home "treatment" Because it's all so complicated, does not make sense separately, without consulting with your doctor, try to cholesterol control “I know there are many resources available to a statement by advertising have the ability to reduce blood cholesterol. But it's good to know how to do it. Usually, contain plant sterols, Know more healthful link Global Health News 

after their arrival in the body blood cholesterol really starts to fall short. However, the body responds to the decline clearly only increase its own production of cholesterol in the liver, because he knows that he just needs so that the body goes, again produced, and unnecessarily overloading the system, "warns Dr.. Cartload before hasty action and attempts to "self-medication" Japanese surprise Worth mentioning in this context is also one book. Published in 2007 in the series World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics and cholesterol showed the world in a completely new light His name is from the cholesterol hypothesis for the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet. And it ends with "Tumors common in the U.S. are stimulated omega-6 fatty acids, and high amounts of animal fat,

but suppressed the omega-3 fatty acids and cholesterol." In it you can learn essential thing - namely, that a stable level of cholesterol in the blood is to humans may be as important as stable blood sugar and cholesterol when the body is missing, the liver produces on and on.

Global Health News General health review-Health examination

I therefore it partially body produces itself (the so-called endogenous cholesterol) and only partially accept it from the diet (if we're talking about the exogenous cholesterol). " What tells examination? The cholesterol monitors its level in the blood. What does it mean to have cholesterol in the standard? "For the layman, this is difficult to explain," says MD. Cataula and continues: "Doctors are not enough such a figure for total cholesterol, because he knows that the blood tests reveal Several types of fats that are distinguished based on their density. see more healthful link Global Health News 

 She will also know separating HDL and LDL cholesterol, in other words, cholesterol, high density and low density. Dangerous is then LDL, which due to its low density, floats in blood and reflects the inflammation of blood changed walls which, in conjunction with calcium produces atherosclerotic plaque.

 This closes the lumen of a blood vessel, complications such as narrowing of the arteries, impaired tissue perfusion and, if there is a clot and embolism. In the laboratory, then do not follow directly the various levels of lipids, including cholesterol, but the ratio of lipids (HDL, LDL and triglycerides), which is a far more important figure. It is called the at hero genie index and represents the value from which there is an increased risk of atherosclerosis. Or watching the at hero genie index of plasma, which is a simpler test that physicians will disclose the ratio of HDL and triglycerides (fats). And it's good to watch with regard to whether a given patient's risk of more complications of atherosclerosis, "says a doctor.